2012 Chateau Haut Bailly Grand Cru 750ml
2012 Chateau Haut Bailly Grand Cru 750ml
Pessac-Leognan, Bordeaux
Cabernet Sauvignon | Merlot
94 RP | 94 D | 94 JS | 94 JD | 94 WE | 94 JL | 93 JA | 93 TWI | 93 WS | 91 V |
"The classic 2012 Haut-Bailly is staggeringly great wine, with a stunning bouquet of lead pencil shavings, blueberries, black raspberries and blackcurrants and perhaps a touch of spring flowers, followed by a medium to full-bodied wine with an almost seamless integration of wood, alcohol and tannin. It is rich, concentrated, stunningly supple, pure and a total hedonistic and intellectual turn-on. This wine defines what is meant by intensity of flavor, but it is light on its feet, à la great cuisine. It should be drinkable reasonably young, but age effortlessly for 25-30 years."