2012 Quintessa 750ml


2012 Quintessa 750ml


Napa Valley, California


Cabernet Sauvignon | Cabernet Franc | Merlot | Carmenere | Petit Verdot

96 JS | 96 RP | 94 JA | 92 ST | 92 WS

"Marked by scents of cherries and raspberries, with just the barest hints of cedar and mocha-tinged oak, Quintessa's fruit-forward 2021 Proprietary Red Wine is wonderfully smooth and supple in the mouth. It's medium to full-bodied, suave and silky, all class and elegance, without any sense of excessive bulk or rusticity. If one were to have a complaint about it (hardly likely), it's that it comes across as almost too polished, too elegant, too easy to drink."

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